Fish List


I have a 120 gallon tank which I bought used after it was up and running for 6-7 months.
I currently have:
8" Naso Tang (Came w/ tank)
3" Foxface (Came w/ tank)
1" True Perc Clown
2" Purple Tang
They all get along, aside from the Foxface originally giving the Purple Tang a few pecks during the first 2 days, but all that is a thing of the past.
Below, are a few fish I was thinking of adding at some point and I listed them in the most likely order that I would purchase them in if I didn't receive any advice. Let me know what you think based on prior experiences.
-2nd Clown - False Perc, preferrably wild caught and female(large)
-2 Pajama Cardinals or 1 Bangaii Cardinal instead of 2nd Pajama
-Orbiculate Batfish
-Diamond Goby
-Yellow Watchman Goby (Would a 2nd Goby be ok?)
-Flame Angel


Get a small young clown because then your larger one will change into a female. The larger one changes it's ---. The one you hav emay have changed into a female naturly already so get a male. The worst that could happen is that there both males a nd one changes to a female....... which is what you want.


An orbiculate bat fish needs TONS of space and after that it doesn't have great survival rate. would not suggest this.


Active Member
Nix the batfish for the reason mentioned. also find a new home for the naso. It will grow much too large for your system. If you can keep your water good, the rest looks okay.


Thanks for the input. I will definitely pass on the batfish as I was not aware of its survivability.