Fish list


Need some help adding fish. I have a 90 gal 35lbs lr 80 lbs ls pro clear 150w/ protein skimmer and presently have a sailfin tang, sfe, niger trigger. I want to add more triggers what if any kind of triggers can I add? Was hoping to stick with a primarily triger tank.


Active Member
Both the sailfin and niger will outgrow a 90. There are really no two triggers I'd keep together in a 90. A single undulate or picasso would work. Given the potential for aggression and unpredicatble nature of most species, mixing them in smaller tanks is risky. Not what you wanted to hear but to keep two triggers you're looking at a 150 or better, IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Canine
With that being said what are some suggestions for this tank. I'm open for all suggestions
Are you open to a community tank, or do you prefer more predatory fish?


Active Member
A pair of ocellaris clowns are always nice. Black cap basslet, Pink spotted shrimp goby, coral beauty angel, trio of pajama cardinals. If it's a FOWLR tank, you could consider a kleins or blackback butterfly. There are really a lot of options/configurations and the one I gave was based on some fish I've kept/currently have that get along well and are fairly hardy.