Fish list....


Here are my raw thoughts for a fish list to go into my 75 gallon reef tank. Please let me know your thoughts. I have not purchased any fish and do not plan to for atleast a few months. I just need to get everything in order before I do so.
3 or 5 Blue Chromis
2 Percula Clowns
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Royal Gramma
1 Tang
Possibly down the road 1 Copper Band Butterfly if I feel comfortable with trying one. I know they are difficult and I would not try until I have the tank up and going for atleast a year.
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Queen Conch
25 Tongan Nars. Snails
25 Cerith Snails
All input is welcome and any suggestions or recommendations on new/different fish is welcome as well.


Originally Posted by mweezy05
Here are my raw thoughts for a fish list to go into my 75 gallon reef tank.
1 Tang
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Queen Conch
25 Tongan Nars. Snails
25 Cerith Snails
All input is welcome and any suggestions or recommendations on new/different fish is welcome as well.
What kind of Tang? Most Tangs need LOTS of room.


I am going to get a smaller one. I know they need lots of room that is why I am limiting myself to 1 tang. I plan on upgrading to a 125 or lager within the next two years and I will add my tang into this new tank last. So, the tang will only be in the 75 gallon for 1 to 1 1/2 years max. I will get one that is 2"-3" max as well.


The only thing I would caution is that I would add either the tang or the copper banded but not both. That would be two fairly large fish in that size tank and could get difficult to maintain pristine water quality. Also, some copper banded butterfly have been known to pick on corals and since you said it is going to be a reef that is something to keep in mind. I don't think they all do, but I have heard of it happening.


Yea, I would definately be adding the Copper Band with caution, but I hear it is hit or miss with the fish. So hopefully I would get lucky!

But I definately want to upgrade to a 125 gal or larger once I get out of college and have more room. So within two years I should have the space for the two of them.
Anyone else with suggestions???


Active Member
The chromis likely won't last. I've read from others that groups of less than 6 don't do well together, they get aggressive. I tried 3 and within 2 weeks I was down to 1, the survivor had killed off the other 2. I also agree with the tang/butterfly posts from the others, but the rest of the list sounds great, though I might suggest some Astrea/turbo snails in with the list you have.


Monk - Thanks, I will stay away from the chromis then.
Bonesnapper - I have never heard of a sixline being that aggressive. Is this true for most sixlines, or did you just happen to get one that needed anger management???
I thought the fourline was much more agressive of the two and that the sixline was a better fit.


Originally Posted by mweezy05
Monk - Thanks, I will stay away from the chromis then.
Bonesnapper - I have never heard of a sixline being that aggressive. Is this true for most sixlines, or did you just happen to get one that needed anger management???
I thought the fourline was much more agressive of the two and that the sixline was a better fit.
Sometimes sixlines just go through psychotic breaks. Mine was fie for over a year and then he just went nuts for about 2 weeks and nearly killed my maroon clown that was much bigger than him. However, after around a week of seperating them, I put the maroon back into the tank and everything has been fine for about 3 months. Other than that he has been a great fish.


Originally Posted by natemd
Sometimes sixlines just go through psychotic breaks. Mine was fie for over a year and then he just went nuts for about 2 weeks and nearly killed my maroon clown that was much bigger than him. However, after around a week of seperating them, I put the maroon back into the tank and everything has been fine for about 3 months. Other than that he has been a great fish.

Wow, hopefully mine decides not to go on a rampage when I get him!!