fish list


i am looking for some pointers on my stocking list.... i only have a 55 gallon so i am limited. fixing to get rid of the damsel even though i have had no problems of him harassing the clowns. I am waiting another six months to get good and established before i add corals but i definitely do want reef safe fish because i plan to incorporate corals and clams after i have been up and running for a year.
here is a list of what i got already.
2 fancy oscellarious clowns
1 yellow-tailed damsel
1 fox face rabbit fish
2 peppermint shrimp
1 chocolate chip starfish
8 crabs
1 blue legged hermit crab
6 snail
2 Nasser's snails
1 black sea urchin


Chocolate chip stars, or any of the "knobby" stars (red knobby, red general, etc) are NOT reef fact, they really aren't even safe in FO setups, as they're one of the most predatory stars collected for the hobby. Your CUC definitely won't be safe with one in residence.
Diadema urchins (longspine), get really large (easily a foot in diameter), and can knock things over pretty easily. They'll also denude your LR of any coralline growth, as will any urchin. I'm thinking you'll want to scratch this critter as well (I kept one for several years, so I have first hand experience with them).


New Member
I have to disagree with keeping the longspine urchin...although they can and will knock over frags that are not properly attacked to a secure spot mine has only done this a couple times and it wasn't really a problem as I just stuck the frag back up where it was and secured it down better. Also, I've never seen such amazing coralline algae growth in my tank! My urchin has grown to well over a foot and constantly grazes along the rocks, but this helps to spread the algae as the urchin moves about my tank. In all I can honestly say I couldn't be happier with the addition of mine, but they certainly aren't for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Something that can grow to a foot or more in a tank that's a foot wide crammed with rock may not be the best, I'd agree with that in this case.


New Member
You're right...I didn't think about the tank size. I was thinking more about eating the algae and what not, but I see what you're saying there. Mine's in a 72 gal, but I'm not sure how much wider that is compared to a 55...and mine's a bowfront...