fish load for a 38 gallon


I have a 38 gallon reef, can I have 6 small fish in this tank?
2 percs
2 banggai cardinals
1 yellow clown goby
1 green clown goby


I figure full grown lenght of these 6 fish would be somewhere around 14" or so.. would that be ok in my 38 gallon??


I have read that it should be anywhere from 1" per 3-5 gallons which means on a 38 gallon tank you could have 12 inches to almost 8 inches. You are supposed to base this on the full grown size of the fish. I have a 55 gallon so that means 11-18 inches of full grown fish. With 2 clowns and 2 yellow tailed damsels and a three stripe damsel I'm at my limit...but my tank looks awefully empty. Also I would think that the Fish Only people who have a few decorations could keep much more in fish than any of the reef keepers. I plan on adding a flame angel and a coral beauty angel and or a yellow pygmy angel and if any of the damsels go...replacing the with a pair of black percula clowns. After that I would be satisfied with my crew.
I say you be the judge. If you are buying small fish as most people do you can initially keep more but I believe a small tank is going to stunt the growth of the fish anyway keeping them from reaching full length thus increasing the number of actual fish you could have.
I would be interested to know if any experienced aquarists out there could testify either way if there fish reach full mature length and what size and populations there tanks are? Poll?


Based on the fish you listed you are actually looking at 17 inches of full grown fish. This by most peoples opinion puts you way over your tank limit. Just watch these fish as they get bigger and watch for signs that your tank maybe not keeping up with the load. Good luck.


Been there, done that. I have a 35, and I wish you the best. But with a tank under 50g, with that many SWF, you have to be very slow.
Slow? Yes slow. Things can change fast with such a heavy bioload. I would consider getting rid of at least one fish.
No, don't throw it out. But if you can get you load down, you will have a much greater margin of safety. Remember, with that many fish per gallon, a curve ball can end the game.
Think of a SW tank as running a marathon. You don't start out at a sprint. You have to pace yourself.
I still have to tell myself this everyday!!


Add a sump/refuge to your DT. It will increase your water volume, as well as helping out on filteration.
If you could a 20g sump/refuge to your tank, your increasing your water volume by 50%(not sure if I am doing the math right...but you get the point).


Just remember adding a sump wont increase the swimming room of your tank, just overall water volume to help control the bioload.


i also have a 38 gallon tank and i have just sand in there right now. no water or anything. i was wondering if anyone could help me build a fuge/sump out of my 20 gallon. i have it right under my 38 gallon. and if i make that my sump/fuge can i just put my heater, and skimmer in there and just have my hob filter and my powerheads in my tank?


I have a 40 gal (wish I had gotten a bigger one now) What fish did you go with? I have a coral beauty, bi color blenny, and 2 percula clowns (had a jawfish RIP--- jumped ship), I did get a suncoral, hows yours doing mine is looking bad unless it's open then it looks great. I have several different mushrooms hermits, turbos, an emerald (hugh), a brown brittle star, clams, and a fighting conch (very fun to watch)
I have a skilter (seems to be working well have to change the filter every water change but other filter systems take up more space.
Anyway it's hard to find people with this size tank & was looking though your posts to see if I can learn anything addl.


I would take one of the gobies off the list. You could do it with all 6 but it may be risky. I have a 33 gallon with a 5 gallon refuge and i have 4 fish and im at my limit.