Fish look like they're breathing too fast..


Active Member
What are your parameters
Size of tank? How long has it been set up? Results of test kits? To get reliable and accurate advice you should provide as much info as you can.


Active Member
How big is your tank? How long has it been set up? What is your SG? What fish are in there? How much LR, LS? Temperature? Is it fish only, FOWLR or reef?
BTW, welcome to the boards


Fish may be stressed - could because of disease, or if you're putting your hand in there too much
Not enough oxygen in the water - do you have something to disturb the surface of the water? A simple hang on the back filter you can buy at Walmart does the trick, air pumps can work (though rarely seen in saltwater).
Did you just add the fish? Are they hanging out near the top of the tank? Do you yell at them a lot....? Need more info