Fish Mix O.K. for a 75

chris a h

75 with a 29 rock...
I would like my final fish selection to be:
Yellow tailed Damsel
Banghi Cardinal
Black and Blue Striped Damsel
2 Ocellaris Clowns
A Royal Gamma
And a Bicolor or Lawnmower Blenny.
Would this be too much for my tank?


New Member
The fish your listing are not large but it may be a bit much depending on how old your tank is, how good a filtration system you have and how well you take care of it. Without knowing any more detail about your tank I would suggest starting out with just a couple. You'll see a spike in your ammonia and nitrite level, then your nitrate as the tank reacts to the increased bio load. When the levels are back to normal and stable, add one more fish and repeat the process. If I have learned anything from other people's mistakes it is to go slow, slow and slower still.
I have 2 clowns, 1 small wrasse, 1 bi-color angel and 1 chromis and everything is fine. My 75 gallon tank is 9 months old and my last fish was added about a month ago. I don't plan on adding any more because they have plenty of room to swim around without bumping into each other and I think that makes for happier fish.


Active Member
You definitely do not want to add all of those at the same time!
We cannot answer the question if it is too much for your tank though because it all depends on the tank and the equipment you have hooked up to it. List what type of filter you have, protein skimmer, etc. and then we can answer that question.
In my 75, I have a spotted grouper, saddleback hogfish, 2 small puffers, and a volitan lionfish and my tank is about 7 months old. However, my tank can handle this huge waste load because I have a good wet/dry filter, Super Reef Devil Protein Skimmer, 60 lbs. of live rock, and I do weekly water changes. This keeps any ammonia and nitrites out of my tank, and helpes to keep the nitrates down to a stable 20ppm.
You have to let us know your tank specs before we can answer this question correctly.


I concur
I have a 30 gallon and got two velvets for free, "I have alot of rock w plenty of hiding spaces". I think each fish has its own personality. One of the velvet damsels nearly killed the other. they had been getting along fine for the past two weeks~ I had also added a blue devil which is fairly nice. The kicker, woulnd add damsels unless blue devil or yellow tail and would choose a smaller damsel, ie they become aggressive when large:(


Active Member
Good stocking list (although I have to take exception to the damsels:( ). One thing I would add is to try to make sure you get tank bred bangais and not wild caught.


Nice list of fish but id even add another or even 2 cardinal's they like groups. And mabye a small angel like a rusty, coral beauty, or flame