fish names


There has been a similar thread to this one, research and try and find it, it was pretty good.


No I don't but when signatures were still allowed I noticed that some people had named their fish and some had names for their inverts.:D

sinner's girl

yep, we name all fish. some inverts, depends on the invert and the personality.
fish: Clown=angel, Damsel=stich.
other names we've used: flipper, LSU hater, Little bit, fatso (snail), lemon, FIB, rosie, pinkie and the groupies...don't remember the rest


Active Member
I only name a select few.....My two scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp are tweedle de, and tweedle dum. My black damsel with neon blue stripes is Neon. My damsel with a lot of yellow is called Sunshine. Only one of my snails has a name.....He is almost three inches.....we call him Jumbo. Have a tiny brown rock crab that came on a peace of mushroom rock. Named him crabcakes.


I had the 4horsemen
Dwarf LIon-Tully Blanchard "RIP"
Humu-Rick Flair
Niger-Arn Anderson
Lunar Wrasse-Ole Anderson
I have to replace Tully Blanchard with Chris Benoit, I might add JJ Dillon also

tahoe ocean

Not only do I name my fish and inverts, but my coral colonies as well. But then I have collective names for them like...
Green Star Polyps: George (after George Foreman naming all his kids after himself)


Active Member
I named only my eels--all taken from movies I like:
Blackedge is Milton
Tesselata is Otto
Ghost morays are: Jesus and Jesus ( I can't tell them apart).
I name my cleaner shrimp Fred and my Yellow Damsel, Rochester because he reminds me of the neighborhoods in my city, beautiful, but sometimes dangerous.


I dont really name anything but i had this one hermit with a shell so much bigger than a rest so i called it megashell. I would call him that so much that i would just be in my LFS talking away and i would mention megashell and they would be like ah what?


I actually took this idea for fish names from someone else. I have 5 fish: clown trigger-Bud, blue tang-Mick, coral beauty-Jack, Valentini Puffer-Jim, Huma trigger-Tank. Can anyone see the theme, hehe.