fish not eating


i have a hawk (hawaii) that was doing great, and eating lots of krill. stoped eating a week ago, and is now keeping out of sight 99% of the time. only change is that my angel fish was bossing it about.
also my fish are rubbing on one shell i have from time to time.
i dont see ant spots on them, and they seem healthy and are eating wel. is this ok.


Active Member
I would recommend a cleaner shrimp but id unno how the hawain hawk will do with it... *nots ure* newas.. seems like a parasite problem


just saw hawkfish. its red color is faiding, and its head looks white. did not take food.
should i pull it out of aquarium???:help:


Active Member
If you have a QT put it in it and lower the salinity slightly and raise the temp a bit... how does this hawk do with inverts? i wasn't kidding ont hat one


it did stop eating few days after i put in 3 peppermint shrimp/
i have not seen shrimp after i put them in.


your hawk will eat the shrimp. I suggest using garlic extreme. The stuff work miracles. I use it every day when I feed my fish and it keeps diseases away


Active Member
garlic extreme... bah... expensive stuff...
Go to stop and shop and buy some garlic juice... good advice though, lowby... i didn't even think about that


garlic extreme is exspensive but works miracles. But your right garlic juice will do the same just a few drops will do


i have 2nd aquarium 37 hex
it only has a snowflake eel in it and some damselfish that just will not die.
should i put hawk in that?
about other fish rubbing is it or is it not an issue?
use garlic on every aquarium?


Active Member
like a drop in it's food... no, leave the fish in it's aquarium, don't affect other fish if u don't hae to


Active Member
entice eating mostly... but it also helps with diseases. as for the parasite, which i think it is, nothing... but it should help eat.


Active Member
WEll... sometimes there are black dots or something on the fish... scratching in a general area, not eating, fade in color, trouble swimming...


Garlic will help fight the parasites. The parasites can stand the garlic and it tends to kill them off. The parasites will just come from being stressed and temp change or anything like that. It is always in your tank but gets your fish when they are vulnerable.