Fish not eating


New Member
I've had my Coral Beauty for about two weeks and I've not seen it eat. Had it in QT and just moved to main tank. The water quality is fine and it's the only fish besides a clown and some shrimp in the tank (90gal). It seems to be healthy and swiming normal. No signes of disease. I've tried garlic soaked Nori and seeweed, live & frozen brine, formula 2 frozen, and spriliun flakes. Any advise?
Also, how is Zoe used.....I saw on one site that it could be a dietary supplement. I know you can soak food in it but I was not to sure about the dietary supplement directly into the water.


Try Chem Marin's Stop Parasite. THis is not only for ich but is a appitite booster, thats totally reef safe. It didn't do really anything for ich but I had a singapore angel that refused to eat anything for 2 weeks. After this treatment she waits at the top to feed and eats like a horse. I fortunlly only had a mild case of ich that I cured using cooper. From now own anytime I have a fish that wont eat, a weeks dose of chem marins is in store for them!


Active Member
Try some frozen Piscine brand mysis shrimp.Never met a fish that would'nt eat it.
Zoe and also Selcon are great additives for your food..even nori can be soaked in it before being fed.Just a few drops into the food,in a cup.Let it soak in a few minutes..then feed.I use it several times a week..great stuff. Garlic extreme is also a great immune booster and appetite might try a drop or two of it in his food as well. I would not use chemicals randomly in my display for fish.Especially something like Stop Parasite..which can drop PH to dangerous levels.


Robo, I have a Coral Beauty currently in my 40G display tank that took a couple of weeks to start eating, but now is my best eater. My Coral Beauty did not eat a thing while in the QT tank, so being worried, I moved him to the display tank earlier than was wise because I just thought it was not comfortable without rock work. This not eating continued in my display tank for almost two more weeks, when all of a sudden it started to eat. I was very worried about this fish, even though other people on these boards said to just be patient. Everybody was right, my fish started to eat. My Coral Beauty loves eating the Formula 2 flakes, as well as Spirulina flakes. My Coral Beauty does not go near any veggie sheets I put in the tank though. Also, my Coral Beauty eats the pods that come out in my tank at night.
I hope this helps. Good luck.


Active Member
I agree with promise. Don't use chemicals randomly, even if they are "natural". Try different types of food before you take more extreme measures. Try vitamins as well, because they really do increase the desire to eat. Also, if nothing works, a little bit of live brine shrimp may entice your fish to eat. It is worth a shot. Though it is not nutritious, at least it calms the fish down and acclimates him to eating in the home aquarium. Then, you can switch him to frozen and prepared foods once he is comfortable with you and his tankmates.


New Member
i had a seahorse that didn't seem to be eating and got live brine fromLFS and can't stop it now. that is all it will eat, so don't over do the live like i did cause mine are spoiled real bad it has to to live or nothing.