Hi guys - nice message boards - I'm back to a salt tank after many years in college, grad school, fellowship, etc - so bear with me while I try to keep track of all the changes in the past decade!
Ok - I'm sure there are a bizillon messages about this aready, but here's my situation. Set up a new tank, have 2 TR ocellaris in there presently. Water parameters:
hydrometer 1.019 (I know, a little low)
pH 8.2
dKH 14
Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates all 0
temp 78/79
Had the clowns for about 3 days now - they're active, alert, responsive, and overall appear to be doing well. No interest in food whatsoever. Have frozen mysis as well as the same slow-sinking pellets they were raised on. Any advice on how long before I should worry about them not eating? Or is it possible they're eating when I'm not looking?
Thanks in advance - and I'm sure I'll have more questions to follow.
Ok - I'm sure there are a bizillon messages about this aready, but here's my situation. Set up a new tank, have 2 TR ocellaris in there presently. Water parameters:
hydrometer 1.019 (I know, a little low)
pH 8.2
dKH 14
Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates all 0
temp 78/79
Had the clowns for about 3 days now - they're active, alert, responsive, and overall appear to be doing well. No interest in food whatsoever. Have frozen mysis as well as the same slow-sinking pellets they were raised on. Any advice on how long before I should worry about them not eating? Or is it possible they're eating when I'm not looking?
Thanks in advance - and I'm sure I'll have more questions to follow.