Fish not eating


New Member
I set up a 55 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago. So far I have a Trigger and a Yellow tang,the trigger seems to be eating fine but the tang is not eating. I have tried lettuce and regular fish food. He seems to be real stressed out. Is there anything I can do to release some stress? :confused:


Active Member
Try soaking your regular fish food in garlic extract. Often this triggers a feeding response in picky fish. Also, nori would be much better for your tang than lettuce. Try using a rubber band and wrapping some nori to a piece of LR. It will be much more like their natural food.
Also, is the trigger picking on the tang?
Keep a close eye out for an ich break out. Yellows will show very quickly when stressed. I've had good luck with a cleaner shrimp and neon cleaner goby (not wrasse) keeping my yellow tank clear of the occasional parasite which shows itself.
Good luck!