Fish Of The Week


Active Member
I’ve been asked to do the Fish Of The Week, so my choice which happens to be my favorite fish in my tank and most colorful, the 6-Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) The 6-line is a great choice for reef tanks, and perfect choices for smaller reef tank due to their small size ... A typical 6 line will reach around 3” long, making it perfect for smaller tanks. This is one fish that doesn't know what breaks are, always swimming in and outa rocks, a very agile swimmer … When it comes to bedtime, mine has a hole in a rock it wedges itself into and secrets a large amount of mucus for protect.
Food: When it comes to dinner time, they are not picky eaters, pretty much anything that get put into the tank for dinner it will eat... (mysis / squid is what I tend to feed).. They always have been known to eat some types of flatworms (I haven’t had any so I can’t back that claim up).
Temperament: 6-line are very laid back.. It may get a little pushy, but never anything serious (mine likes to puff up when my blenny near its hole in the tock the wrasse sleeps in). They tend to me shy at first, but once they get outa that stage, he’ll be putting some mileage around your tank in and outa your rock work.
Hardiness: These fish are extremely hardy, making great for beginners, my tank having some salinity swings/temperature swings in the past this fish has done very well coping with them.
So let’s hear some of your personal stories and see some pictures of your 6-line’s


Active Member
Can't get a good pic of my sixline. He won't sit still for the camera. Mine has been a perfect resident in my 80 gallon tank. He has never bothered any of the other fish, not even my velvet wrasse when it was in the tank. He does hold his own against a mean yellow chromis that terrorizes every one else in the tank. A great fish with lots of personality IMO. At 1st I really didn't want the fish, but the wife liked it so I let her put it in the tank. After a few days the fish became one of my favorites.


Active Member
Great post Slothy! Good to hear from you on the've been kinda scarce lately.
I too am ashamed to say that I can't get any good photos of six-lines........they are too fast or won't sit still or something.......couldn't possibly be my fault. :rolleyes:
Beautiful little fish.


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
Great post Slothy! Good to hear from you on the've been kinda scarce lately.
I too am ashamed to say that I can't get any good photos of six-lines........they are too fast or won't sit still or something.......couldn't possibly be my fault. :rolleyes:
Beautiful little fish.

been busy with side work.. ya the trick i use, is to dress up like a big mysis shrimp and all my fish come out and pose for pics ! :p


Active Member
I usually just baste myself with garlic extract........I will have to try the shrimp costume idea. Good work Watson.



Originally posted by RyeBread
I usually just baste myself with garlic extract........I will have to try the shrimp costume idea. Good work Watson.

rotflmho, maybe I should try the basteing:eek:


I love my 6 line. I can't get a pic eather. He bothers nobody and is very active. I love to watch his eyes. With the slits in the eyes horizontle it looks crazy when he looks around. Great post.


My 6line loves to play hide and seak with my sebae clown. Hes much faster and can get into holes the sebae cant, so he darts and hides, then he will peak around rocks till he finds the clown and tease him by peaking over, then the chase is on again.


Active Member
I'll add something that happened today. After having my sixline for close to a year I caught him picking on a cleaner shrimp. I always hear mixed things about them eating shrimp, and it looks as though mine is developing a taste for shrimp. Odd that he's left them alone for almost a year, and all of a sudden decided that he likes them.


I know that six-lines tend to eat various worms and pods off the liverock and sand beds, but do you think they eat enough to diminish the population to a detrimental effect? I have a 29 gallon with dsb and I would like to get a six-line, but I am scared the six-line would eat all of the pods and worms that I need for the dsb to work properly.
Any thoughts??
Also, does anyone have six-lines with maroon clowns? Just curious on how they interact with more agressive fish.


nice sixlines, how do u all get pics of urs? mine moves at the speed of lite.....not really i guess i just suk at taking pics. i luv mine sixline, hes the only fish that weaves in and out of the rocks