Fish Only or FOWLR? Filtratation?


From what I read, you need 10x the rate of the tank for powerheads, so for a 55g, shouldn't I be using more like 800gph? I bought two Koralia 2's today, that should be enough, if not I will add another 1 or 2 for extra flow.
Should I use a filter, or a protein skimmer, along with my live rock? I am doing to use like 25-40lbs of live rock and 20lbs of base rock.


New Member
I'd have to disagree with the canister method. Yes, up-keep is required. That comes with all filter systems. Canisters do work out just fine; I have a fluval 305 on my 26 gal plus a protien skimmer, beautiful tank. I clean my filter every other water change. I know this is very successful for many other people, some even have multiple canisters on their system. Don't get me wrong, sumps are best. But when it comes to space-savers and in some cases money savers, canisters do work out just fine. Seen it work on everything from my 26 to a 250 gallon.


2 koralia 2's will be just fine for water movement in a 55. Especially since you aren't going to have any corals.