Fish only tank???



I am wanting to start another tank...55-gallon. I am already figured out 2 of the 5 fishes but I am having a hard time figuring out the other 3.
1) Dogface Puffer
2) Volitan Lionfish
3) Some kind of an Angel (possible an Rusty Angel)
4) ?
5) ?
I am wanting to have 2 more cololful ones. The tank has 20-30 lbs of live rock in it now. That is all that I am going to have in it.
Can some one give me some options to play with? Member I am wanting color and fishes that will not figh-hopefully!



How about maybe a Harlequin Tusk or a Tesselatta Eel
Harlequin is very colorful and the Tesselatta is, just



Active Member
Both the lion and puffer will quickly outgrow a 55 gallon tank. It's also too small for an adult tusk and certainly a tesselata eel. It's not a large tank so stick with smaller fish that won't outgrow it.
The dwarf angel would be fine (add more rock and let the tank mature for a few months first). A fairy wrasse of some sort, maybe an indigo hamlet, and a large maroon clown. You could possibly get away with one of the pseudochromis as well.


Good point may not e a bad idea if your intentions are to upgrade your tank in the future, however, if your keeping this and your not certain about upgrading, stay with the smaller fish.


Trigger trigger trigger!!!
Triggers are awesome, I have a Humu Humu, or Picasso as some people call it, and he's a riot. I have him in with a lion, and he's good. I also have him in with a panther grouper, yellow tang, 3 little damsels, and a hermet crab.


A humu,a valintine puffer or a hiwwian blue puffer they stay small a coral beuaty, yellow tang and maybe a firefish or 2 that sounds like a nice bunch of fish to me


Active Member
Yeah I definitely would not recommend any volitan, dogface, "blue" tang, tusk, or teseletta eel in a 55 unless you have plans for a 125 or larger within a year and a half.
Good fish for that size tank would be a clown, royal gramma, dwarf angel or dwarf fuzzy lion, toby puffer, and a hawkfish



Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yeah I definitely would not recommend any volitan, dogface, "blue" tang, tusk, or teseletta eel in a 55 unless you have plans for a 125 or larger within a year and a half.
Good fish for that size tank would be a clown, royal gramma, dwarf angel or dwarf fuzzy lion, toby puffer, and a hawkfish
Yeah, but won't the clown get eaten?
What kinda dwarf angel


Active Member
The clown would be fine because fuzzy dwarf lions are not as aggressive as volitans. If it were a volitan, I would probably say yes. Fuzzies are not bad at all.
As for the dwarf angel, you could try a flame or coral beauty. They are both awesome looking.


Active Member
I will throw in that while it MAY work in some cases, mixing a trigger with a lion could be asking for trouble. It would come down to the individual personality of the triggerfish but most may very well nip - even eventually - at the lion. They are not generally considered the most compatible of fish.
Definitely agree on the tank size issue


Okay what about thses in a 55-gallon
1) Volitan Lionfish
2) Dogface Puffer
3) Gold-Striped Clown w/ anemone to host
4) Yellow Tang
5) Coral Beauty Angel
Will this crew of fish give a nice :happyfish tank?
If so,would like to throw in 2 Royal Gamma's or just leave it like I have it?


Active Member
Your tank is unsuitable long term for a lionfish and a dogface puffer. Even JUST THOSE TWO would max out the tank, IMO.
Certainly an anemone is not suitable for that tank with predators (tend to equally poor water quality) and they need VERY good lighting. PC would most likely be marginal unless you have lots of PC lighting. And you do not need an anemone for a clown anyway.
A yellow tang is not suitable long term for that tank and would need to be moved out within a couple of years at most.
The royal grammas would be eaten by the lionfish - and two would most likely fight in that size tank.
Please decide if you want a FO with predators, or a FO with reef type fish. But either way, you can not have anywhere near that many fish in that size tank without serious problems.


Those dog faced puffers get huge!! Not only in length but in mass, they have very thick bodies so really, a 55g will not cut it for one. Volitans are another large bodied fish, so think about that.....two large bodied fish + others in a 55.....
Instead of a volitans what about a zebra lionfish?
Instead of a dog faced puffer, what about a blue spot toby?
The yellow tang is a fine choice for a 55g (I know some may not agree but I've had a YT in my 55g for the past 5 years and she is doing very well).
Maroon clown would be fine.
Coral beauties are somewhat delicate, how about a flame angel instead?
And please forget the anemone. They are very delicate and require intense lighting and excellent water quality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 55gSW
Those dog faced puffers get huge!! Not only in length but in mass, they have very thick bodies so really, a 55g will not cut it for one. Volitans are another large bodied fish, so think about that.....two large bodied fish + others in a 55.....
Instead of a volitans what about a zebra lionfish?
Instead of a dog faced puffer, what about a blue spot toby?
The yellow tang is a fine choice for a 55g (I know some may not agree but I've had a YT in my 55g for the past 5 years and she is doing very well).
Maroon clown would be fine.
Coral beauties are somewhat delicate, how about a flame angel instead?
And please forget the anemone. They are very delicate and require intense lighting and excellent water quality.

Couldn't have said it better.


Thank you. Good advice. Might have to look at stocking this tank with med sized fish and wait till I get a bigger and then look at the dogface and the lion. My 75 gal is my clown tank so this is going to be a med sized stocked. I want colorful fish,good sized but fish that will last in this tank for a few years. What do you guys suggest?
1) Yellow Tang
2) Small French
...and what else????