Fish only tank


Did several searches and couldn't seem to find any info, so asking experienced members for there opinions. I have a reef tank right now and it's doing fine. Is it possible to run a fish only tank with say no live rock just decorations that are safe for the fish. Curious if anyone has had success doing this. Need recommendations of filters, substrate etc. Thanks in advance for any advise.


Yeah you could do a fish only with no lr. Substrate i would always stick with sand. Filters you can with some hob like penguin. But if you can get some lr it would help with the filtration also if you threw in a couple of powerheads to you would be fine.


Active Member
Yes, but you need to have good filtration since you won't have live rock helping out in that regard.
Fish Only(FO) used to be more popular before advances in our knowledge of reef tanks made them a little easier to keep than they used to be. People who keep large aggressive fish often keep fish only so they don't have to fool with a cleaning crew that would just get eaten.


Thanks for the info so far, I guess I would still need to use a protein skimmer?
I appreciate everyones opinion.