Fish Only Tank


Hello everyone I am new to the whole slatwater fish thing and I am wondering what is needed for a fish only tank. I have a 30gal tank a wet dry filter and salt. What else do I need?


I have the same size tank, so I'll tell you what I did and you can do your own thing. A buddy gave me the tank, stand, and hood. I then went to the fish store and bought a canister filter for a 65 gallon tank, a 100W heater, a thermometer, a water test kit, a maxi-jet 1200 power head, 50 gallons worth of salt, 40 pounds of live sand. I put everything up and in place, except the sand. I then went to Wal-Mart and bought 35 gallons of RO water from the machine by the soda. Mixed the salt and water but didnt't put it in the tank yet. I emptied the live sand into the tank, put a regular old dinner plate on the sand, dumped the salt water in. Turned the filter, light, heater, and powerhead on. Checked the water, all was good. Let it sit for a night. Went back to the fish store and bought 30 pounds of cured live rock. Put it in the tank. Shaped it in a way I like. Let it sit for 2 weeks, everything turned a little brown. All this time my water stayed a 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, a ph of 8.0. After two weeks I added a clean up crew. There were 3 snails already on the rock when I bought it, along with a zillion little white brittle stars and a lot of pods in the sand and rock. My clean up crew consisted of a peppermint shrimp, hermit crabs, naisarius snails. A week later I added two damsels, a week after that I took them back, and bought a mated pair of clowns. Water is still perfect. No problems yet.
I have some new lights on the way, and will pick up a skimmer in a month or so. I will not add any more fish for some time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CodeRad
Heater a couple power heads Sieo's are good a skimmer is good idea.
Maxi-jets would do the job for a 30g, seios are not needed!!! I would say a couple of 600's depending on what your planning to keep. :happyfish


JMO- I would get live rock and live sand for substrate. Try to stay away from CC (crushed coral). I have a 120 Fish only with LR and I'm loving it. Hopefully you will too!