fish or invert in a 1 gallon tank?

what kinda fish you think you could put in a well like 1 gallon aquarium....LOL i know this might sound stupid but come on there must be some kind of fish that can live in oneand maby some inverts...crabs,shrimp,anything?

pa reef pig

1 GALLON!!! Is this in a breeder box or what? Maybe a Mushroom or some Polyps with a flashlight hanging over it. I wouldnt invest much more than that. lol.....youre right, it does sound stupid.

pa reef pig

One of the flashlights on a keychain that you use to find a keyhole...LOL You just have to hold the botton in for 8-10 hours a day...LOL


What are the dimensions on the tank? I'm sure you could have a small hermit crab or something... But I dunno, 1 gallon is pretty SMALL for something to live its entire life in... :rolleyes:


Active Member
you can put some live sand in there. a inch sized peice of live rock and a snail and hermit! woohoo!
haha. get a 10 at least!


Now now kiddies....lets not be too harsh!
We have 5 tanks, and you know what the prettiest one is? My wife's 3 gallon nano-reef. Yep, 3 gallons.
In the 3 gallon tank she has about 5 lbs. of live rock, a 4 inch deep sand bed, a large feather duster, two glass shrimp, a dwarf zebra hermit crab, a tiny pincushion urchin, and several mushrooms and yellow polyps. The tank has better water parameters than our big 92.
Don't doubt the power of the little tank!


Active Member
Stick with inverts if you do these small tanks. Fish tend to cause the water parameters to go south, and it wouldn't be a very nice place to live as a fish.