Fish per Gallon?


Active Member
How many fish can I add to a 210 gallon? I heard that 2 or 3 inchs per gallon is the general rule is this correct? I have about 36 inchs so far,about 15 fish

sinner's girl

I think more important than inches of fish you have are the types of fish you have. some fish need/like more room than others. Therefore, in some cases it's less than the rule of thumb (which i can't remember).
One would also want to make sure that the tank could handle the said inches of fish. An overcrowed tank isn't good imo.
what fish do you have in the tank?


Active Member
Fish in my 210 gallon, its a bowfront 62 wide.24 high, 35wide
6 Damsels assorted, 1 Yellow tang ,1 Royal Gramma,
2 Perc Clowns, 1 Foxface Lo, 1 Neon Dottyback,1 Flame angel,
Next I like to add more tangs ,Hippo,purple,Naso,then maybe a jawfish,then? any sugestions?


Active Member
sinners girl is right, but as for the genereal rule, it is more like one inch per 2 five gallons, sometimes to be pushed a little bit
and this all figured up at the adult FULL GROWN sizes
so 36 inches would be getting close if thatis their adult size and not the size you purchased at


Since your on the topic of fish per gallon... you think that a porqupine puffer on a 29 gal tank with 1 brittle star, and a damsel and a shark is too small... I really can't afford anything bigger right now, and my lfs said it will be fine, plus I wanna get one more fish, but haven't decided yet.... what do you think?


Active Member
yes, way too small
the puffer needs a bigger tank and the shark, even if it is small, will out grow a 29 in days or weeks


Porcupine puffers get nearly 12" long, and that will be MUCH too large for a 29gal tank. To live a healthy life, they will need at least a 75gal. As for that shark, it is likely a bamboo shark, and will reach 41" in adulthood, and will require no less than a 180gal tank to live a happy, healthy life. Whatever fish store said that a shark in a 29 gal would be fine, you should never listen to their advice again. If you cannot afford to upgrade to at least a 75 gallon, please find the puffer a new home or take him back to the lfs. And unless you can upgrade to a VERY large tank, the shark will definately have to go somehwere else. This is all not even mentioning the fact that they both would put tremendous strain on biofiltering, much too high for a 29gal to handle. Sorry to disappoint you, but better to be disappointed than have your aquatic friends die from an insufficient living space.