Fish question


I currently have a 150G tank with a 5inch porc puffer, 4inch foxface, 2inch clown, and a 3inch bicolor angel(just added this week). I was thinking about adding another fish or 2 and need some help. I was thinking about a red hawkfish and possibly a yellow tang(pit in spaced out of course). My question is would this be too much for my tank or would there be compatability issues with the current residents?
The clown will be hopefully moved too a new reef tank later this year. :thinking:


Hello! I am not sure about what fish to add-not familiar with your fish and which ones may be compatible but you have a good size tank so I am sure you should be able to add some nice fish! Hopefully some experts here will help! :happyfish :happyfish


I'm new to the hobby and I've done a lot of web searching for learning purposes. In that process I was able to find a web site that offered a very comprehensive "fish compatibility chart". It should do the trick for you if you search for it on the web. I may have downloaded it so I'll go look at my data and see. If I did, I'll also try and figure out how to attach it here if it's OK to do. I'm not sure it's legal to do. Good luck with your tank. "R"


I'm going to try and attach a word doc. to this reply in hopes you can get it. This is what I was refering to. If I can't attach it I'll copy it long form here later on. Let me know if you receive it. Better still here is my email address. Drop me a line and I'll attach it there if I can't do it here. "R"


Active Member
as i also have a 150 i am curious in which direction you are trying to go peaceful or aggressive but a couple of more fish should be fine just remember 1 in. of fish per 5 gal. of water and figure out the adult/full grown size of the fish you pick i am wondering if you have a sump as that does add water volume for fish size i have a 55 gal. sump/fuge the fuge part is just because i know the benefits of it the 55 gal. part gives me an extra 11 inches of fish and i am the type of person that see's that as 2-3 more fish in the tank for more color and diversity and i am going peaceful because aggressive is extra bio-load because of feeding time carnage, just things to consider good luck to you tobin :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


The messiest eater in my tank is hands down the puffer.
I have wet dry filter under my tank. I'm trying to go with mostly a peaceful tank, that's one of the reasons I was thinking hawkfish and yellow tang. the puffer and the foxface have their own cave, and the angel has his own to rest in a night. The clown is in there only because my nanocube crashed a few months ago and I haven't had the time or $$$ to finish setting up my other 150G. :happyfish


Active Member
what you missing for the other 150, 1 peaceful one aggressive that would be nice, i think i stated yesterday mine is a peaceful community tobin


There is still a lot to do for the new tank. Right now all I have is basically the tank, canopy and stand. I want that one to eventually be a reef tank. :thinking:


Active Member
is it able to be drilled? or are you going to run the hang on overflows, or are you not going to have a sump/fuge?


I haven't decided yet and probably won't until after tax time. That's when I'm hoping to have the $$$ to set it all up.
I'm leaning towards a hawk fish, the LFS near me has one that's been in there for a week or so now and I'm going Monday to watch him get fed. :happyfish :happyfish