Fish Question


After my tank cycled I bought a couple of yellow tail damsels (my wife loved the brightness of the blue and yellow), well one had killed the other one when I came home from work one day. My question is, I am wanting to put in a yellow goby and a cleaner shrimp, will the damsel kill the goby also? Should I just take the Damsel back to the LFS and not risk it killing something else I add to the tank, or will other inhabitants be ok?


Active Member
damsels can be very aggressive, and with our tanks being so small, finding unclaimed territory can be hard. I personally wouldn't risk it, especially if he already killed one fish (assuming you know it killed the first damsel, and it didn't die for other reasons).


I looked at the fish and he was missing chunks of his fin and tail. I checked the water and everything was ok. He was eating fine and everything so I just figured it was the other fish. I only them about a week though, so I guess it could have been something he had when I got him. i think I'll just take him back to the LFS so I don't take the risk of it doing something to another tank mate.


Agent - get rid of the damsel. You can put many fish together in a nano, but even in a bigger tank the damsels are just mean buggers. If your wife likes the blue, why not go with blue neon gobies?