Fish Questions


New Member
Im starting a tank and i was wondering if i could feed a Psychedelic Mandarin Dragonet pellets or flakes?


Active Member
About 1 in 10 will eventually eat frozen food such as brine shrimp. Otherwise, these fish need live food, usually copepods which reproduce in your live rock. You should have a mature tank with over 100 pounds of live rock.


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
Im starting a tank and i was wondering if i could feed a Psychedelic Mandarin Dragonet pellets or flakes?

These are great fish.
You can have them in smaller tanks, but that would be what I call Expert Level care.
Meaning you'd need a good size "over the tank" fuge for breeding Pods.
Remeber the Local Fish store will sell you anything and just "Assume" you have the proper facilities to care for it.
Most people don't and thier Fish dies...they go back and buy more fish...more money for the Fish store...
Mandarins although one of the best fish IMO are also one of the Toughest to provide a good environment for.
I am Building my 65 Gal tank into a fuge just to support pods for a mandarin..


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
so i can get 1 as long as i feed it shrimp?
also what kind of shrimp goes good with a goby?

I think you missed the point...1 in 10 MAY eat shrimp the other 9 will starve to death....not a good idea in your sized tank...without 100 pounds+ of live rock you cannot sustain a pod supply sufficient to feed a mandarin.


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
so i can get 1 as long as i feed it shrimp?
also what kind of shrimp goes good with a goby?

They don't normally eat shrimp, it may or may not...90% do not and will starve to death.
There is no way of knowing either...
I would wait until you get more experienced...


Active Member
When looking for a mandarin try and ask the attendent to feed them brine shrimp. The ones that eat brine shrimp should do ok in your tank if you supply it with enough vitamin enriched brine. Then try adding frozen food such as mysid shrimp or flakes along with the brine and feed the mandarin. It might not take it right away but it has worked for me more than 1 time. A mandarins diet consist mostly pods so make sure you proide it with plenty of lr and ls.