fish questions?


I have a domino deamel that is a jerk and chases everything is this common because he is the cause of disharmony in my tank and I may not put up with his anoying --- any more. I also just got a panther grouper and need to know how aggressive they get?


Panther groupers get big and will eat anything that will fit in their mouth and are not reef safe. So, if you wait a while, you can let the panther grouper deal with the damsel.


When I read the discription to the grouper about being reef safe it says not with shrimp or smaall fish. does that mean that he will eat my soft corals or only if I tried to have shrimp which I do not. To feed him do I have to hatch brine shrimp or are there other options?


Active Member
What did the store tell you about the Panther grouper?
Fact is they get HUGE - well over a foot if I recall, and will eat nearly any other fish you try and put in a "reef" tank. They grow quite rapidly...I would return it while you have a chance, as many stores will not take them back once they are larger then a few inches. Nasty little trick.
Brine shrimp is not sufficient for a panther grouper. They need meaty foods like silversides (frozen), krill, shrimp, squid, etc.
Such fish are not commonly put in a reef tank because they are "messy" fish if you will - a predator that eats a lot and produces a lot of waste. This in turn results in poor water quality and causes corals etc to suffer.
Panther groupers are typically housed with other predatory fish such as large lions, triggers, large wrasses, large angels, puffers and eels.


Active Member
i also have a panther grouper about 7-8 inches now they get to be about 27.6 in thats is what my book says at far as the damsel goes try rearranging your rocks they are very territorial regrouping your rocks will make him have to recreate his territory i have to do this periodicly with mine fro your grouper being reef safe way to clumsy for that type of tank he would knock everything out of place then prolly try to eat it all.they are carnivores eat like pigs i feed mine squid krill shrimp and (live black mollies)very big eater.depending on how big your is mine wont bother with small foods such as mysis shrimp even.but he will pick at the veggie flakes i feed to my hebavores.oh yeh and if you have crabs, starfish he will eat them