Fish Ratio


New Member
Hello......Can anyone give me a hand on how many fish I can keep in a 125 gal. I'll give you an idea of what I had in mind for a fish only 125gal.
Clown Trigger
Emeror Angel
Green Bird Wrasse
Green Wolf Eel
Powder Blue Tang
What do you think? Can I get any more in there? If So, what do you think would be safe whith this crew? Lion?
Thanks for the help...JT



Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK
well doyou relize this will be a fo tank.

Well i think he did and i think your just replying to increase you post count. triggerr 22 since your new i'll give you a hint dont go by how many posts a person has for their experience. go to a moderator or someone else that others trust in their individuall expertise for ex: for equipment questions go to squidd for nano questions qo to clarkiiclo for starfish go to euphoria for useless information and unwanted comments go to rubberduck and for just about everything else go to banguy. i can help with some stuff here and there but i dont claim to be an expert on anything except woodworking. and buy the way where in illinoin are you i'm in joliet
welcome to the boards
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Clown triggers can get quite mean as they get bigger and settle in the new tank. They are known to pick on lions.and will actually kill with any other fish they decide to take a hit on.
The Emperor may require a larger tank as it gets bigger as a 125 is about the smallest to house an adult. They also require plenty of live rock in the tank to graze on and hide. You should wait about 6 months at least before adding the Emperor...this will alllow the tank to mature. They do better in mature systems.
Green Birds are jumpers...make sure your tank is covered.
Powder Blues are a littke spooky...but once they settle in they too can be mean boggers.
You can have about 1" of fish per 5 gallons of water. No hard fast rule as some fish such as triggers are big poopers. So, you can have about 20" of fish give or take a little.
Others will tell you that you can exceed the one inch per 5 gallons based on filtration. I beleive that to be risky and not worth the possibilty of total loss due to a power outage and/or equipment failure.
In my opinion, the fish you have on your list will exceed the one inch per gallon rule once they reach adulthood. I would not add another fish to that list.
I've been in the bobby for 30 plus years and do not consider myself to be an expert. The above is JMO...for what it's worth...:D


New Member
Thank you everyone! Your advice will be very helpful and is much appreciated. And yes(duh) rubberduck, it is a fish only aquarium. Thanks again...JT
I'm in Springfield , DrummerBumm


New Member
Thank you everyone! Your advice will be very helpful and is much appreciated. And yes(duh) rubberduck, it is a fish only aquarium. Thanks again...JT
I'm in Springfield , DrummerBumm