Fish really get sucked up by powerheads?


I have heard of this, but never seen it happen. I had a lawnmower blenny that was in the same tank for over a year and I found him today in a 70 powerhead. He looked great and there was plenty of algae. Has anyone seen a fish as big as 5 inches get sucked up and killed in one of these? Can't tell if he died then floated in or what happened.


Active Member
A lawnmower would seem a bit wierd, but mine swims around powerheads all day long biting them, I've had a puffer get sucked into a powerhead once.


I never had a fish sucked into a powerhead, but I had a yellow clown goby end up in my overflow once. I managed to get him out, but he died a few weeks later. I guess the stress was too much for him after a while, poor thing. :(
A buddy of mine has a sea apple that got stuck on his powerhead. There's still a scar from where its flesh was damaged. It never poisoned the tank, though. Just a few weeks ago his tank leaked and caused an electrical fire, and the apple was fine through that and the subsequent move to a new tank. I say he's either extremely lucky or his apple is defective and doesn't have any ink, lol.


It happened to me the other night. I got a 1" red scooter blenny that i was going to take back to to the LFS but there was this tiny hole in my intake cover. I thought it would be ok. Lesson learned and now i am one scooter poorer and one new intake grate richer.


Mine was really bad. I had a longhorn cowfish that got sucked to a ph because i had a tube running from it to my uv. the tube fell off and he got sucked in mouth first.
I came in my room and saw him like this and turned off the ph and his mouth was all bloody. But the nxt day he was eating like crazy like he always does. Still have him today too. Lucky to get no toxins in the water.


Well fortunatley and unfortunatley it is good to know I am not alone
I think he must have died, then got sucked in. The only thing I am stuck about is he was my most hardy fish by far and never had any problems? Live and learn


Active Member
i had a clownfish floppin around outside my tank for 30 minutes.
she was feeding the baby and heard this crinkling sound coming from behind the tank.
she finished feeding the baby, then went to take a shower.
she came back and it was still crinkling away.
quick roll call in the tank dictated a suicidal percula clown.
she found him, and plopped him back in.
he's still kickin butt!!!


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i had a clownfish floppin around outside my tank for 30 minutes.
she was feeding the baby and heard this crinkling sound coming from behind the tank.
she finished feeding the baby, then went to take a shower.
she came back and it was still crinkling away.
quick roll call in the tank dictated a suicidal percula clown.
she found him, and plopped him back in.
he's still kickin butt!!!


xnikki118x said:
I never had a fish sucked into a powerhead, but I had a yellow clown goby end up in my overflow once. I managed to get him out, but he died a few weeks later. I guess the stress was too much for him after a while, poor thing. :(
Something similar happened to me also. I lost my blue gudgeon goby for about two weeks. I did a big clean on the tank, rinsed pre filters, foam covers on powerheads, etc. When I was finished, I saw a fish at the bottom of the pre filter compartment. It was my goby!!! Fished him out with net and added him back to tank. With the exception of him being very skinny, he really didn't look that stressed! He is out again (swimming), eating great and looking healthy.


Active Member
don't you guys put the shield thingy on the bottom of your poweheads? this actually happened to me twice but each time i had not put the guards on yet...


The guard was on mine but the way it was made it had this funky little opening that seemed a bit large to me. Not sure why it was there. I just went to the pet shop and they had a few kinds so i bought one that looked more secure. Just check your guard openings vs. the size of you fish. That was my problem.