Fish Recommendation


I'm looking for recommendations for final inhabitants of an 85 gallon reef. :thinking:
Need to play well with:
1 Kole Tang
5 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
2 True Percs
I would like to add 1 perhaps 2 tank mates. This is a ways off but I'd like to hear recommendations.


Active Member
I'd go for some kind of gobys...
Here are some suggestions:
3 firefish or
yellow watchman or
pink spotted goby or
blue cheeck goby


Active Member
u should try a scupa tang... there not the prettyest, but they have great personality, and they are good for eating hair alge


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
u should try a scupa tang... there not the prettyest, but they have great personality, and they are good for eating hair alge
Most are actually quite aggressive. You are talking about Zebrasoma Scopas, correct?


Active Member
Emporer, you are the voice of wisdom today! You are correct again, most Scopas tangs are VERY aggressive. For that reason, I would recommend against that.
Here are some suggestions:
A trio of firefish would look great in there.
If you don't have any shrimp, a baby fuzzy dwarf lionfish would look excellent in there.
Diamond gobies are awesome fish; and certainly serve an excellent purpose to your tank because of their substrate cleaning.
A chalk basslet is another very nice looking fish that would go well in your tank.


I'll back you up fanker. I have a Scopas Tang in my 90 gallon reef and he's cool. I also have two clowns in there with him and they get along fine. Scopas Tangs are only aggressive with other tangs.
But it's up to you, they are pretty cool. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by kronnk7
Scopas Tangs are only aggressive with other tangs.

Thus, he would have to get rid of the kole tang or deal with fighting between those two.


Active Member
I would go with something that hangs out on the bottom, it sounds like your tank has a lot of active swimmers so get something that would perch on the rock or stay on the substrate. By the way I love your fish selection, it sounds pretty diverse and colorful and I want a Kole Tang so bad but alas have a little tank. You should post a pic!