still valid?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I've sent three e-mails to this address. Two of them were sent Monday and another yesterday, and I have yet to get a response. They are specific questions regarding stock at
Is this typical? What is their phone number if I need to get in touch with someone? While I've been a member of the message board for years I am looking into placing my first live order and if this is the only point of contact with over 72 hours of turn around time I'm going to have second thoughts.
Can anyone offer some help here, or are any of the moderators actually at the facility?
This board and all it's moderators and members have always been helpful, but I'm frustrated when an e-mail address is listed under the contact page and it falls on deaf ears...
Thanks in advance...


I sent an e-mail to that adress on tuesday and they replied latter that day.

nm reef

Active Member
I am not sure how the owners of SWF conduct their business. I do know that the only contact I have for them is the email address
I have contacted them in regard to orders I've placed on several occassions and I've always gotten a response. I do recall somebody saying something about a email problem associated with AOL...but I can't remember the details.
I'm confident somebody from the host will contact you in regard to your questions if they receive a email.
...and to the best of my knowledge none of the moderators have any business accociation with the owners of SWF...and I've never even been to Southern Florida!:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...what kind of a question is that?
IF I did that would be personal information between me and the owners of this site don't ya think!
...and IF I did recieve compensation or discounts that would be personal information...
...and IF I were a moderator here free that also would be personal information...
...and personally I prefer to keep personal information...PERSONAL!
What I will say is I enjoy this site and the vast majority of the folks I've seen here...and I have conducted business with the owners of this site and I believe they offer a quality product at a resonable price and I've been pleased with their service and product. Soon I'll be placing yet another order for products offered by our host and I anticipate the same quality and service.:thinking:


Active Member
AOL, has been known to have issues with incoming mail from other ISPs, this is a fct that I can attest to from personal knowledge. First with correspondence to my neice as well as friends that I associate with daily. And form managing an ISP, actually a corporation where one of the 4 businesses I oversee and run is an ISP.
One thing that I have heard is that the first order sometimes(esp aroudn the holidays) can take a little longer, until you are in their database as a good customer. From selling on the net, I can also tell you that waiting a couple of days before taking care of orders is a good business practice. It may not seem so to the consumer, but to the site owner, it is a savior. Many tiems we have been burnt on orders which were bogus, or where the something happened with the card used and we were out stock and money, until it could later be resolved. We have certain customers(long time customers) who we ship to before even running the card, others who get filled wiht in 36 hours. and any new ones sit for 2 days, then the card gets verified BEFORE charging it and then we still wait 2 days or so before filling the order. Try getting burnt for a couple of laptops which after used(if recoverable within 6 months even) can no longer be sold as new. Understand taht there is very littel mark up in computers to begin with. And after months, a computer seriously looses its value even more(heck just that windows code costs 100 bucks or more to replace, which we must do b4 reselling it). I would imagine recovering livestock would be evenmore critical, if they even try which would mean that they would have to rely on trying to recover funds.


I actually got a phone call from them once.
They sent me an e-mail saying my order shipped but something ended up being out of stock. They called to make sure it was ok to ship. I think is ok


Active Member
I could be wrong here, but I think they somewhat shut down for the holidays pretty much....DON'T QUOTE ME, IM NOT SURE. I could swear they have the last few years.