Fish Selection Question

Hi guys,
Im going to be setting up a 250 gallon fish only saltwater tank. I had a question of what choices would be good out of each of these genus:
Angel Fish
Flying fish
Now I know some may not be compatible with the others...if so which would those be? I am not sure of the Hamlet (hypoplectrus gummi gutta) and basslet (serranus tigrinus or annularis) and the flying fish (Dactylopterus Volitans) are they pretty easy to find and easy to take care of? compatible? Please any help would be awesome Ive been trying to research as much as possible. Thank you.


I have a 220 w/triggers, wrasses, foxface, and an anglefish. I have stayed away from eels because I dont have a tight tankl id and they are prone to carpet surfing. As much as I love groupers I am staying away from them right now because 2 of my triggers are small and would make nice grouper snacks.


Active Member
That's a huge group of fish to choose from and that's a pretty big tank so you can keep a lot of fish, but do you think you can narrow it down a bit? It's hard to just pick fish out of those categories w/o knowing what kind of fish you like (size, color, personality) etc. Have you checked out the book Marine Fishes by Scott Michael? It's a good book to have for a list of fish and their requirements.
Well I know I am going to go with a : Blue Line Trigger (Pseudobalistes fuscus). I will have to base what kind of fish to put in the 250 gallon tank off of that. Would that type of trigger be okay with any tangs or angels or frogfish or eels or lionfish or wrasses? I am trying to figure out what kind of fish would be compatible with that. I want an aggressive tank obviously. But I know the main fish I want it the Blue Line Trigger then whatever else will go with it. And when I get it set up and cycled and all that, is there a certain genus of fish out of my selection I should put in the tank first? or should i put several in at a time or what? i want to get them all around the same size that way none get eaten due to size differences. thanks guys.