Fish Selection

I am in the process of curing 90lbs of Live Fiji Rock that arrived yesterday so the next proces is deciding what fish will live together. I plan to introduce the cleaning crew once the cycle nears completion and I am in no rush whatsoever!! I have in mind to add 2 percola clowns, 1 powderblue tang, 1 royal gramma, 1 scooter blenny, 2-3 cardinal bangaii and if space permitts a school (5-6) of green chromi's. Is this selection compatible and in what order should they be added?


sounds like too many fish. The Powder blue Tang is beautiful but your tank is way too small for this fish. The rest are all compatible and also small fish though there are allot of them. Are you planning to go reef? If so this is a major bioload for a reef system so you may want to reduce it further. You state your tank is a 65gal tall what are the actual dimensions.


Active Member
I agree. Your tank is too small to have all those fish plus the powder blue. Powder blue tangs need a lot of room. All other fish sound alright together.
Carrie <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
The dimensions for my tank are 36" long 18" wide and 24" tall. I was told that it is a good idea to have a Tang since they are constantly cleaning the rock and I have a preferance not to get a yellow tang, any other suggestions?
As for the rock, if you send me an email I can get it to you through a local supplier. Premium Fiji Live Rock at a great price ...shipped to Toronto!!
anybody have any more tidbits of information before I needlessly kill fish or stress myself out trying to figure out what went wrong!!
thanks much in advance

sinner's girl

tidbit of info. add 2 percola clowns at the same time (to prevent fighting and stress when they don't get along)
tangs will clean rocks but crabs, snails, stars will be better then a tang since it can't go in a 65gl. find out which fish is most agressive, add that fish last.


Active Member
All the above is very good advise for sure.
Tang - no
2 percs - yeah
1 gramma - yeah - love'm
1 blenny - sure
2 cardinal bangaii's - they will need meaty foods, - most do not take flake, some do.
That's six fish - will remain relatively small - I would not go much over this number and type.
5-6 chromis - although nice schooling fish - not with all the others in that size tank.
pretty much a repeat of what others said above.
Sounds like a nice set up - wish you much success!