Fish Selection


Active Member
I have had a 65 gallon tank set up since christmas here is what I have:
65 gallon tank
2 - T5 lights
Fluval FX5 Filter
125 Coral Life Skimmer
55 lbs live Rock
Aragonite Gravel - 2-3 inches
1 power head
2 Clowns
2 Banggai Cardinals
3 Green Chromis
1 gold head goby
1 Emerald Crab
1 Blue Porcelain Crab
5 small hermit crabs
5 Turbo Snail
3 Mexican Turbo Snails
1 Bubble tip anenome
1 Mushroom Coral - Blue Spotted
Everything is doing great - water chemistry has been very good
I want to get a few more fish maybe a tang or something else, I think I am getting close to my limit - but I would like one real spectacular show fish. Can anyone recommend something. Eventually I am going to change to a sump filter in the basement directly below my display tank.
Everything is doing great, the mushroom coral I bought about two weeks ago has some small green polyps growing on it as well, I just noticed this last night. The BTA is amazing it seems to be growing as well hasn't moved from where it found its home when I bought it.
If anyone can give me some ideas I would appreciate it.


Active Member
Check some of the smaller reef-safe wrasse; like many of the fairy &flasher wrasse. Beautiful, hardy, active and (IMO) very under-appreciated.


There are a few tangs that could possibly do well in a 65g, but IMO, the prettiest ones (PBT, Achilles, Sohal) are far too large for a tank that size.
I definitley like srfisher17's suggestion of a wrasse. I would say that a flame or bicolor angel could also look very nice (but not both).
As for AquaKnight's suggestion, it is true that they are normally timid, but they have large mouths and I would be a little nervous putting one in with the chromis.
You do intend to add on to your CUC eventually, right?


Active Member
Flame angle or bi colored angel sounds good. Sorry new to this what is "CUC". Thanks for all the replies I do like the Wrasses as well, saw a nice green colored one the other day at the LFS.


They are. They can definitley help out in detritus management. If I were you, I would eventually add some more snails too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfoley
As for AquaKnight's suggestion, it is true that they are normally timid, but they have large mouths and I would be a little nervous putting one in with the chromis.
Their mouths aren't that big at all, it's a pretty common misconception. For their size, most other fish have at least a big of mouth. The only issue would be small shrimp. They should not go after other fish tankmates.


No, the mouths aren't huge, but I've seen some eat feeder goldfish before. I'm just saying, I'd be careful with it if there are chromis in the tank.