Fish selection


46 gal bow - reef tank, 65 lbs lr, 3-4 in ls. Will add fish and corals (most soft) in a while. Any problems with this combo of fish:
2 cinnamin clowns
2-4 scooter blennies
1 yellowhead jaw
1 lemonpeel angel.
Aren't scooter blennies micro fauna feeders like mandarins? I might be wrong but if they are won't they be tough to feed? Hope I am right and not just looking stupid. Good luck with the fish.


the places i searched said solid foods. Same for the jaw. Was wondering if my sand is deep enough for the jaw to burrow.


Speaking of microfauna fish. What do you do to feed a goby. I was reading the fauna and copepods. Do these fish not accept any of the frozen brines/formula 1/ etc
I guess I should add that I wanted a green mandarin.


Thanks Bluetangclan. That is the kind of advice that I was looking for. I agree, what I read on web sites and such is often misleading. Thanks again.


Active Member
i agree, with bluetang
and IF you must get more than one scooter, make sure ONLY 1 is a male! please.
but, you are definitley better with only one anyway
one other thing, with them,
often they are easier to get to eat, but spot feeding them is normally necessary. We use a turkey baster and put the food down where she can get it, bc she will not go up to get it and waits to see if any comes down to the bottom(which does not always happen, b/c teh other fihs normally get it first)


Thanks all, are the lawnmower blennies easier to care for since they are algea eaters. All I have seen on them are that the eat algea.