Fish Selection


Hi everyone!
I'm setting up a 75 gal reef and I'm not really ready for fish yet--but I'm thinking ahead :)
Here's what fish I want to keep:
2 tank raised false perculas
tank raised orchid/sunrise dottyback (can't decide)
six-line wrasse
purple tang
dwarf angel (I doubt this will end up happening)
Am I pushing it for a 75 gal.?
I was thinking this would be the order I add them in:
1. clowns
2. wrasse
3. dottyback
4. tang
Any suggestions?


Active Member
I heard dottybacks can be quit tempermental (I may be wrong). Maybe try this: the clowns, sixline, dwarf angle, Kole tang (instead of the purple) and a scotter blenny or lawnmower or both. Just my 2 cents worth. HTH.