Fish Shipment


Hi all,
I ordered some stuff today, and need to know when it will come?
I think that will send it out Monday and i should get it tuesday?
anyone know? :thinking:


You will probably get it Tuesday...(IMO). They will probably ship it out Monday night.
What did you get? (Sorry, just like to hear about the different things people get.)


you will get it Wednesday. Monday they will be processing your order. Shipment will be on Tuesday and delivery will be Wednesday. I use to place orders on Sat because I had Wed and Thurs off. Delivery was on Wednesday


my 20 gal:
Nano Aqua C / flow 200gph
skilter 250 / soon to be refuge / 250gph
rio 600 on top / 200 gph
rio 180 blowing acrossed the sand 120 gph
coralife 65 watt 50/50 blub / upgrade when I put the corals in
30 lbs lr and 2" ls

ph 8.3
Alk 2.5
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
phoshate .1
cal 420
mag 1310
Went thru new tank syndrum, or an out break of red slime that I have to battle for two months. its all but gone and i did not use any medications, but rather let it take its course and then clean the rocks with a turkey baster and my sliter 250 got the rest!
Clean up crew:

7 turbo snail
2 cerith and 2 baby
3 nassarius snail
1 scarlet
1 mexican
5 blue leg
1 emerald
I have been throwing a little food in the tank once a week for the crabs


well today is tuesday and should ship today.
the only problem is a snow storm and freezing tempertures.
So here is my attack plan:
fish come tomorrow (Hope there not ice cubes
use two five gal bucket, one with the two fish and one with the two shrimp.
slow drip for 2 hours and put in tank
anybody see a problem with puting both fish in one and both shrimp in another bucket for the slow drip?


Active Member
I wouldn't put the fish or shrimp together, they will be stressed out enough and may attack each other. I did however one time have to acclimate a cleaner shrimp and coral banded in the same bucket but I put a piece of plastic in between them.


I got my order today:
It was packed very nicely with two heat packs in a cooler.
Every thing was alive and well. Placed all bags in the tank for temp ajustment ( 30 minutes ), then put the two fish in one bucket and each of the shrimp in there own bucket. I driped them at 6 to 8 drops per sec for two hours using the three pro acclimation products that I purchased for this very reason. being new to saltwater this product was a great help to me because my tank was small and lower to the ground then some bigger tanks where the line might not be the right lenght. Once the two hour drip was done I placed them in the tank for two hours without lights. I will feed the tank tonight to keep everyone happy.