Fish stocking ideas for 15 gallon cube



So I just got this 15 gallon cube off a friend and I was curious on stocking ideas. I am gonna put 2 clowns in there but I was wondering if there is ans possibility for another fish in the tank with them? I was thinking about a six line wrasse or a neon dottyback. Another was a coral beauty angel cause I kept one in my 20 gal for 10 years before it jumped :( and I understand the bio load issues but this tank would have 2 times a week water changes and be running a skimmer and a 30 gal filter and a 240 gph powerhead.


i think that you could probably add a coral beuty for a bit, you might be forced to upgrade though after the first year or so because they do get to like 6 inches, you definetly could add a clown, gobys, or wrasse, just keep in mind that you need to only have about 12 inches of fish with a 30 gallon filter.


Yes I was looking at smaller sized fish and I don’t think I am gonna go with a coral beauty. I have the 2 clowns already but I would like to get them a little friend like a firefish goby, six line, or a dottyback something small to not do hard on the filter