Fish Stocking


New Member
I am in the planning stages for a 55gal fowlr. I am way ahead of myself but, its fun to look at fish you may want. I am thinking of:
Yellow Tang
2-Perc Clowns
Spotted or Long Nose Hawk
Flame Angel
and a wrasse of some kind.
The tank will have a Berlin skimmer, a Emporer Filter and 2-3 power heads. Also cc and sand for substraight. I will also have clen up crew(snails, crabs etc.) and maybe a star.
Is this to many fish? Or would you substitute any fish. Thanks for your help


I am sure your going to hear from the others so let me be the first. Everyone here says that the Yellow tang needs a bigger tank. He is quite the swimmer and needs more room. I learned the hard way. sorry for the bad news but I am repeating what I hear. The best advise I can give, is listen to the people here, they seem to know their stuff. I have learned more from this board than I have read about in books. Not that you shouldn't read books. I think the more you can read and learn the better off you will be. Have fun :D :D


I think the fish you have listed would work ok. I would add the yellow tang last they seem to become the king of the tank and you want the others to feel at home first. Good luck