Fish Store Owners, I Need Help with Startup!


First off, I hope this is the right area for this type of thread.
As some of the members of this site know, I have been cleaning Fresh and Salt water tanks for a while and I have been contemplating starting my own fish store. Well, the time has come and I need advise before I get my feet wet.
I am all setup with most of my suppliers, so I don’t need too much advise there. Where I need help is in setting up fish store display tanks and tank maintenance. I know it has to be very different taking care of Fish Store display tanks than that of a Customers Display Tank.
I’m sure I could have most of my questions answered if some of you guys could shoot me an email, so I can talk more on a personal level and not disturb the rules of this forum.
I guess the main question is, what would you have done different if you were to start all over again? What were some of the biggest things you learned along the way.

FYI, just with the customers I service and the people I personally know that drive 1 to 3 hours a week to buy new goods, I will have enough business to keep the place stocked and keep the lights on... Also, this in not my first business. I manage/part own a Title Insurance Company, part own a software company, and run a fish tank cleaning business on the side. So I understand the time involved in owning a business. Not to mention I’m a Firefighter/MFR, so I know what it means to be committed to a project.
Any help is greatly appreciated... Thanks Guys/Gals!


Active Member
well have you finished a business plan for the new store?
90% of your decisions will need that in mind.


you are way too busy/involved... you are spreading too thin... something is going to crash... Good luck.


I’m still working on the business plan details. That is why I need to go over some things with established Store Owners. This company is going to basically be an extension of the fish tank cleaning company. Or more like the base of the fish cleaning company.
A plus on my side is, the fish store will be attached to the Title company building. So I’m not renting new space, just taking advantage of my unused space. About 1,000 square feet with a 20x24 garage for storage space.
As far as being spread to thin, I have business partners in all of my companies, including the new fish store. Plus my wife is going to help run the store during the hours I can’t be around and my business partner will cover other times. Believe it or not, I still have time and when I don’t, I have backup.


Originally Posted by stephish
Good for you! I wish you the best in your new adventure :jumping:
Thanks... :joy:
Fish keeping is my hobby and favorite past time. I just feel I need to spend more of my energy with my passion and this company will definitely use up that energy and be a heck of a lot of fun along the way. Plus I get to spend even more time with my wife and we can better enjoy our passion together. (More mine than hers
Besides, I’m currently stocking my cleaning customers tanks with products I have to buy from other fish stores. I might as well stock their tanks with my own products.