Fish suggestion


Any suggestions on what woulb be a good fish to add to my tank, or good "school" of fish, I want some moor color?


Active Member
sorry, bu t my vote at this point is pretty much nothing, the fish you have will all get large and pretty much fill the limits of the tank, i realize it is not he answer you wanted to hear, but IMO, i dont' think i would even have those fishes in that tank(maybe the cb, but not the others) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


I can understand the Tang, I'm searching for a new home for him, but the Betta? How big will he get, he's already 5", will he get bigger?


Active Member
8 inches
and not haveing the tang, i may say apair of false perculas could be nice, and may be workable,
without the betta or tang, then, definitely a pair of clowns, adn maybe a couple of gobies or 3 or 4 green chromis, or maybe even a wrasse in the mix
HTH and good luck


the marine bettas just don't get big in length they get pretty big in girth to as you know their fins are very large and make up a good bit of it's size.. it's always good to have them in a large tank.. but you'll be fine.. and you can get other fish in there. gobies blennies what not and in agreement with fishub a school of green chromis is always pretty cool..