Fish suggestion


Active Member
I have an angler that is about 4 inches and a Fu Manchu lion in a 50 tub with lots of ricordea, LR and a 20 long sump packed with chaeto and PS.
I am wanting to get one more fish, maybe one that will move around a bit. Something colorful, personable and will not bother zoanthids (I have lots of rare types).
Any suggestions? I have no idea. This is a small tank so I have to consider feedings.


Active Member
Wish i could help pick out something nice for ur tank. I have the same problem. I dont know what to get in my 14, but I want something cool


Active Member
I have been looking over the triggers, but they will get pretty big quick. Problem with a dwarf angel is the angler. It can swallow a 2 inch fish with no problem. I am sure it would try a 3 inch, maybe a bit bigger.
And don't butterfly fish eat coral polyps?


Active Member
I am pretty sure some butterflys are more reefsafe than others. I think the copperband and longnose are the safest.