Fish suggestions for 55 gal


Ok so now that I have figured out we started wrong I have given away a few of my fish, but not sure if I am in the right direction yet or not. I have a 55 gal tank that we plan to upgrade within the next 6 months at the most. Currently I have a porcupine puffer, and a choclate chip star. I would like to add some other fish, but have no clue whats safe and what isn't. Do I need to reconsider keeping the puffer as well? This is my little boys favorite fish so I am hoping to keep him. I would like fish that are easy to keep, colorful, and hopefully won't hide all the time. This is our first tank and its a learning tank that we are really doing for my son (but I have decided that we can't stop here now what an addiction). The tank is about 3 months old now so I know that there are limitations. Also since we are still learning I obviously don't want the most expensive fish list out there just yet. I would rather spend the large amounts of money slowly upgrading equipment, and getting ready for the next tank. If I would have had the extra money the other day we would be starting up a 300 gal tank. The pet shop was selling the entire setup for half off which was a great deal, but ohwell I'm not ready just yet.

extinct 1ne

I really wouldn't keep a Puffer, how big is it? Chocolate Chip Star is fine, just know if you keep either of them you can't have a reef. I would just bring the Puffer back, because really everything it is around must be aggressive...and most agressive fish get 10+". It's up to you, I have a Yellow Tang in my 55 gallon, and that's doing a little too much. The Tang only gets 8", your Puffer gets 20". That's almost half of the's really up to you.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
I really wouldn't keep a Puffer, how big is it? Chocolate Chip Star is fine, just know if you keep either of them you can't have a reef. I would just bring the Puffer back, because really everything it is around must be aggressive...and most agressive fish get 10+". It's up to you, I have a Yellow Tang in my 55 gallon, and that's doing a little too much. The Tang only gets 8", your Puffer gets 20". That's almost half of the's really up to you.
That tang will be cramped in your tank fully grown. They are big swimmers.
Anyway. OP. Be careful with your starfish and your puffer. You may come home one day and have a dead starfish. Large puffers like the porky puffer get huge. He will grow to a massive size. Another thing to consider. What type of filtration do you have? How much live sand to Live rock. Not dead rock actual live rock. You puffer has a huge bio load. A Bio wheel/canister filter on the back wont cut it unless that stays your only fish, ehh maybe 2 more buts thats it. When this guy gets older it will harass and eat smaller passive tankmates. Like blennys or smaller gobies.
I would take him back as well Until you upgrade. You can go with a sharpenose toby. They stay smaller are great fish. Then I would get some fish that hardy. Coral Beauty Angelfish. Clownfish are very active and colorful. Different varienst on color they have black and white, orange black and white. Picasso's. They are the designer fish LOL.
Take back the Puffer. Dwarf Lion. Pair Clowns. Coral beauty Angelfish Midas Blenny and maybe a flame hawkfish.