Fish suggestions for 55 gallon tank


I have a 55 gallon tank that will have LR and LS. I would like to know what fish I should put in it. Here are a list of some of the fish that I like, but not to put all in the tank. If you have any different ones that would be good I would like your suggestions. Could you give me suggestions on what to put into my tank.
Percula Clown
Auriga Butterflyfish
Kole Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
Bicolor Angel
Coral Beauty
Lemon Peel Angel
Mandarin goby
Regal Tang


Just a few thoughts...are you going to have a reef tank, or fish only with live rock? Some of your choices are not reef safe, like the flame angel. Most angels are not reef safe, but I think there may be one or two that are. Ask about that in the Fish discussion to be sure.
I love tangs too, but they are very prone to ich breakouts. I know from experience:p I had a sailfin tang die about 6 weeks ago, and I don't think I will have anymore tangs for a long time. And being that they get pretty large, you should probably limit yourself to maybe one or two at the most. Wouldn't recommend it as a first fish, though.
As for the mandarin, they mainly eat pods, which come from a well established tank. You should have it up and running for a good while before introducing one of these.
Just a little food for thought. Welcome!!!


I was only going to have a Fish only and Live Rock and Live Sand tank. A Reef tank, I think would probably come a couple years down the road when i get more experience with fish. I would probably have a new tank by then for the Reef tank.
I would like to have some of your fish suggestions for the tank now?


I think a good starter fish is a clown fish. You can get perculas...(false perc are good) or Clarkiis, which are kinda yellow. Go to the U-build it link on this site, to the left, and click on the fish you would like to see. Clownfish are pretty hardy, and not really prone to ich, per se, like tangs, anyway. Ich really lives on all fish, but healthy fish are able to fight it off better. The only thing with clowns is that they are kinda territorial. Try to get a mated pair if you can, or juveniles. If you have luck with them, then start to add your other fish (after researching their specific needs) slowly. If you add everything at once, you could potentially lose a lot of money. Others will probably have different fish they would suggest for first fish, so take everyone's advice...that actually knows what they are talking about by the way...(you'll be able to tell) and then make your best judgement decision. Like Broomer says...(he's my hero) "Your tank...Your Choice." Hope this helps;)


He can use any color he wants to shade my pie
Pok...nolofinwe is a pro...but don't ask him how he likes tangs...


First of all, I am guessing you know about the cycling period. So assuming that your tank is already cycled, of all the fishes on your list, I would go with a percula clownfish. They are the hardiest and will accept almost all foods.
With the tangs, you can pretty much only get one. Most tangs are aggressive with each other. And as others have said, most are prone to Ich.
Angels are hardy, but require a more mature tank. So wait a few months and make sure you get only one.
Mandarin gobies are impossible to keep in a new tank. They require very specific food (pods) that you cant readily purchase.
Other fishes you might want to consider is the 6 line wrasse, royal gamma or other basslet, or firefish. Green Chromis are really cool fish too if you get a few of them. They are cheap and if you have at least 3 of them, the will swim in schools.
Good luck and be careful what you buy. You dont want to make a mistake and get something that will die or arent compatible with other fish.


Well, this particular one died of 2 partial causes...ich, and a powerhead suction accident. The National Institute for the Humane Treatment of Tangs has me scheduled for a taped inquiry. If everything goes well, I'll bring him on over. But try to keep it secret. Wish me luck!!!:p


going back to your original list of fish, I wouldn't go with Tangs in a beginner 55 - from what I have learned, they require at least a 75 (I want a Tang, too!:rolleyes:) Good to go with a Percula Clown, Dwarf Angle (Coral Beauty, Lemonpeel...semi-aggressive), Blenny, Goby, Basslet, Pseudochromis...just to name my favorites - IMO for a FOWLR. I'm still new, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I think that they are all peacful fish that would live in harmony :)