fish suggestions...?


i know ive been on this site a million times trying to finish adding fish to my tank, but i was wondering if i could get some good suggestions once and for all. ive got a 100 gallon tank.
This is what i got so far:
yellow tang
pygmy angel
2 ocellaris clowns
2 bengaii cardinals
1 cleaner shrimp
what are some other nice looking fish/inverts that have good personality? im OBSESSED with lionfish, but that wont fit well with this setup. i was thinking along the lines for 3 green chromis, but im not sure.


add a cleanup crew of hermit crabs and maybe a few crabs, their always fun. If you can get your hands on LR thats a blast too! Make sure its cured and not just cultured.


a school of 3 or 5 chromis is always cool to have.
is that aquascaping stabe. if you gonna add some cleaningn crew a fish like gobies. be shure it is stable. i almost lost my gobie not becasue of my eel becasue of my pink serpent star. cleaning crew can really clean out your tank. eaither eating of messing around with something they shuoldn't


:happyfish Hi, I would add a flame angel for color, and be careful of the big hermits, I had one stalk, and pounce and kill a ocelaris clown I had. I agree to get a hermit, just get a species that doesn't get too enormous. -ali