Fish Suggestions


New Member
Hi All looking for suggestions on a new 210 saltwater tank I'm setting up. I welcome suggestions for fish and decorations. I've always been into aggressive fish but always freshwater. I've kept several different types of piranha's for over 10 years red belly, black etc... Red Devils, convicts, snakeheads the list goes on. I've had tanks ranging from 10 up to 155. Now with my 210 I've enclosed it in the wall inbetween our living room and den and would like to stay with something aggressive but shift over to saltwater. My natural instincts would like sharks but I also know most species probably need a larger tank than mine. Any and all suggestions would be welcome. Also could you please include what type of substrate is best for the fish you suggest, I've been having ongoing discussions with my local fish store, which doesn't know enough about sharks and can't come to a common ground I currently purchase the larger crushed coral but some are saying sand is best of the finer crushed coral. Thanks in advance!


Your tank would probably house a small cat shark or two but that would be about it for sharks. I would suggest that you gain a bit more experience in the saltwater side of the hobby before entertaining the shark idea. They are not that hard to maintain but they require a level of committement above and beyond the standard mix of salt fish. It is amazing the higher levels of wastes a shark puts out compared to say a similar sized angelfish. Please do not think I am trying to discourage you but I am only being realistic. Sharks are not animals that can be put in a tank and fotgotten, they need careful attention to the details. Their tank must be matured well before they should be purchased.
There are quite a few other aggressive marine fish that would do quite well in this tank, triggers, large angels, puffers, even eels. I wish I could be of more help but I am not sure of exactly what type of set up you might want (besides the shark).


New Member
thanks mattiej
I am not hell bent on sharks I have read a little on puffers and triggers the more info you have to give the better. I'm open honestly I just want to try something new with the saltwater since I've done freshwater for so long and also stay with the aggressive fish. Any particular kind that you'd suggest within the group you gave me and can they be mixed. I'll read up on more info also on the species you mentioned.