Fish Suggestions...


Active Member
If you get the volitan, not only will you lose the chromis, you will lose the shrimp, and probably the clown, goby, and sixline as well.
A better choice in lionfish if you really wanted one would be a fuzzy dwarf. A fuzzy may still eat your shrimp, but at least it won't eat your fish. Volitans grow to be 15" and can fit a whole lot in their mouths. Fuzzy dwarves only grow to 5" and is the least aggressive lion, IMO. I personally think they are a lot nicer to look at, as well.
Let us know when you get your hippo!


If you get a purple tang becarful when adding it. The yellow tangs might attack it. If they do remove the yellows for about an hour, move some rocks around, and let the purple get settled in. Otherwise you should be fine.