fish suggestions


I have an 18 gallon reef tank with a bubble coral, star polyps, button polyps, and some mushrooms. I currently have an 1 1/2 inch cherub angel and it is my fav fish. The problem is I would like to add another fish, but my pygmy harasses anything I try to add and I find myself rushing the poor fish back to the LFS. I plan on getting a open brain coral and a hammer coral. I would like a fish that would be compatable with this assortment of creatures.


Seems that the pygmy angel has staked claim to the tank. This will continue to keep you from adding another fish in my opinion. If you don;t want to give up the angel, maybe it can be fooled. Set up a temporary tank to house the angel. Rearrange the main tank and add the new fish. After a few days add the angel back to the main tank. It'll think it's in a new place and might be less aggressive to others. Good luck! HTH