Fish suggestions?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/390593/fish-suggestions#post_3460786
A midas could certainly hold it's own against clowns, especially if they're younger. Midas blennies are not whimpy fish, they'll bite. I've watched them attach aggressive fish. Jerth6932 had one attack an aggressive flame angel and it even bit him. They have fangs, most fish know this and won't mess with them.
Like I said, Mother nature has it's oddities. My Midas never messed with anyone who got froggy. He went and hid every time a more aggressive fish came around... I guess fish can have individual personalities just like people do................ I just know mine was a wimp.


I finally decided on getting an (African) Midas Blenny and then after it's done in the QT getting a Royal Gramma. The only challenge I'm having now is finding an (African) Midas's not as easy as I thought it would be!