Fish Suggestions


I have a 55 gallon reef tank that is over a year old. I consider the tank stable. Since I really have no more room for coral I want to buy two new fish. I currently have 2 three striped damsels, 1 purple pseudo and 2 false perculas. I don't want to get rid of the larger false percula (relatively speaking) and one of the three striped damsels (sentimental reasons, survivor of cycle). Each of these fish are appx. 1.5 - 2 inches in length. I would love to replace the purple pseudo but he has proven an elusive sob. He is appx. 1.5-2 inches in length also. Any suggestions?
Right now I am considering:
Sailfin Tang or Coral Beauty (one not both)


Most will tell you that tangs need a larger tank usually aroung 100 gals. One of the dwarf angles would be a good addition. I have an Atlantic Pigmy in my 38 gal reef. that hasn't bottered any of the corals. It can be hit or miss with the angles some will nip at the corals and some won't.


Active Member
Any of the hawkfish would go nicely with that setup as well. The only problem could be the damsels and how well they take to a newcomer.
Good Luck!


won't the hawkfish try to eat my sally light foot? I considered one of them but thought they eat crabs and shrimp.


I wouldn't put a hawk fish in there unles you don't want any crabs left. I agree w/ the dwarf angel I like the brazilian flamebacks.