fish Suggestions


I have a 46 gallon Bow front tank with yellow tang, 2 yellow tail damsel, 2 false percula clowns, bubble anemone, 3 feather dusters, 2 brittle stars, emerald crabs, a bunch of hermets and snails, a cleaner shrimp, and about 50lbs of live rock. Wonering what might be another good addition to tank? Maybe a banner fish or another type of tang, a psycadelic mandrin, or scooter blenny? any help would be great.:joy:


Active Member
I would get rid of the tang because he will outgrow the tank. After that i would replace him with a flame angel.


first welcome to second a tang in your tank. your tank is too small for one. you cant get a notehr tang. i would not get anymore fish for your tank. thats my opionon


Active Member

Originally posted by Fishman830
yeah i must agree get rid of that tang, you dont want the tang police 'roudn here!

It seems as though they already showed up.


i love the "tang police" every time anyone mentions a tang in anything under a 100 gal somebody always says something. im not saying its wrong its just funny. you can see it coming from a mile away.



Active Member
heh heh heh, in no other hobby can oyu laugh the way you do in this one... also my parents dont m ind if i spend 100 on somthing, for this hobby, its great!


Sorry about the tang police. But I would definitely get rid of the damsel. They are the most aggressive fish I've seen and will only cause trouble. Get a firefish.