fish survey


Active Member
ok i'm sure we all have a fish we would love to have, what is yours and why? mine is a scooter blennie they are so personable i have learned the hard way twice my system is not ready for one yet


A mated pair of Green Mandarin Dragonets. I am waiting patiently for the pod population to maintain them. I'm guessing I have at least another 9 months. I'd also love a mated pair of clowns. But for that I am waiting for my system to be mature enough for an anonome.
Waiting... waiting... waiting!


mantis shrimp, for there sheer power...or the arrow crab for looking so alien and insect....the sea is beautiful


Active Member
I really would love a whale shark.. 6 million gallons to go.. lol No but i would like a blue line trigger


Active Member
i,m getting real close to setting up my 150 gal. and my lfs has a purple tang that has been in his store for 8 months he cost 75.00 i'll probably get him he is a cool fish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i,m getting real close to setting up my 150 gal. and my lfs has a purple tang that has been in his store for 8 months he cost 75.00 i'll probably get him he is a cool fish :happyfish

j/k You're lucky!


Oh... I thought this thread was for fish we wanted in our current setup!

It seems that no matter how big you go there is always something you want that you cant have!
I started with a 30 gallon, moved up to a 75 gallon. That 75 is now my sump/fuge for my 120. Still to small for the angel fish I want.
I am now contemplating a 400 gallon for a shark and a ray that I will be able to keep an angel fish in. Not sure which angel fish just know I want one! Probably either an Emperor, Queen or Blue Face.


I think I have you beat on messed up priorities. I am putting an addition on my house (a larger master bedroom and a garage). My contractor is trying to discuss bathroom plumbing with me, you know the "important stuff" like the toilet, shower and sink. I keep interupting her to discuss the plumbing and the electric to the 400 gallon tank. I am having all the plumbing and electric setup during the building of the addition. The funny part is I dont know if I can afford the system any time in the next decade!


Active Member
funny you should mention that i was doing the same thing the other day i wanted to put a tee in so icould put in a ro system for an automatic top-off was out voted


I'm going to have a drain as well as a water coming in for RO/DI unit and the entire thing will be automated! The water changes will even be semi automated. With the drain setup as I put new water in the top of the display the old water will drain out of the fuge!
I'd love to have my 120 more automated, but it would mean some major reconstruction of the house. I am not taking votes on our new system, my husband hasn't done much talking to the contractor so he has no clue what I'm planning. I think I might have mentioned in passing one day while we were looking at the plans that a fish tank might look nice here. I don't think I mentioned it will be 400 gallons and have a shark a sting ray and an angel fish and I actually have the contractor planning plumbing and dedicated electric for it!
Who ever out voted you must not have to make sure those daily top off's get done. What a pain! Can you veto their vote?


Active Member
I would love a Solomon Islands Pinktail Triggerfish. Such a beautiful fish but afraid my 90 gallon is to small.


Active Member
if i could veto i would but the plan is we are fixing up the house and in 5 years we are giving it to her parents it was the first house that they bought together when her dad retires it's there's


I hear you! That is why I am not consulting the husband on this next setup. He'll walk into the bedroom one day to find a 400 gallon shark/ray tank! I'm sure at somepoint before then he will wonder while there is plumbing in the middle of our bedroom floor!
Well when you are making plans for your next home you can do what I am doing with our addition and plan your next home around the setup of your tank!
My husband is so stoked to get a garage he really hasn't asked much about the bedroom plans. I hope he isn't planning to put a ferrari in the garage like I'm planning to put a fish tank in the room. Better go check the check book balance!


Active Member
i hear you yeah the next house i get alot more free reign on and i will have an extra room just for fish saltwater only of course and i already know that that room will adjoin a bathroom so all i will have to do is knock a hole in the wall and walah ro auto top-off by then she will be all for that because i work out of state 3 weeks then home for a week she'll be doin all the maintenace on the tank that will teach her ha you know i'm dead when she reads this don't ya


Hopefully she wont read it....
I give my husband a bad rap but truth be known he is lugging five gallon buckets and reaching into the bottom the tank (I'm to short to do it) reading test results for me all the time. He'll appreciate the automation on this new system more then me. And if you'll be gone as much as you so will she!
Should change the name of this thread to "dream setups" instead of "fish"
Still sticking with a Shark a Sting Ray and MOSTLY a large Angel.
I am so upset about the angel. When I upgraded to a 120 I didn't realize my tank was not big enough for an angel. But those who know more then me on the board (almost everyone) have since educated me.
When I get my 400 gallon it will be big enough for every thing I want! For now...


You dont want to know!
I actually haven't done much shopping yet. I am concentrating now on breaking ground so I have a place to put it. Because my husband is insisting on a big garage and the entire area above it will be my bedroom, the room will be 32 x 32. I was looking at the plans and we actually had when all was said and done a 16 x 16 area with nothing planned. I started thinking this would be an awesome place for a large tank that could be placed in middle and viewed from all 4 sides.
I did speak to one guy who gave me a ball park figure that included EVERYTHING! Stand, a protien skimmer for a 1000 gallon tank (we will need a big skimmer for sharks and rays) A custom built tank (the spillover is going in the middle), rock to go around and hide the spillover, the tank for the sump/fuge, sand, pumps, fittings, chiller, heater, everything. He said around $10,000 for everything I will need (this included trucking everything from california to montana)
I haven't done any other research. For one thing we build custom log furniture so I know I can take the satnd off that price. As we get closer to finishing the addition I will see how much money is left and then start to really price things. At first his quote sounded really high and I almost fell off my seat. But if I start thinking about what I have invested in my 120 setup it really isn't that bad. The difference is my 120 was a year in the making. I started building it over a year ago and added the chiller (my last addition) about two months ago. So I really dont know what I have invested, but it might not be so far off and it is a MUCH smaller system!
If you like I can keep you informed as I find out more... Maybe I'll start one of those threads and document my progress and setup!