Fish tank glass


I bought a used 75 gal tank the glass on the front and back has a cloudy look .It has a film on the inside of the glass. Does anybody know what the problem could be and how i can fix it, because it makes the water look cloudy and its not. you can look through the ends and the water looks great, its just the front and back of the tanks glass. thanks for any help....


Active Member
Is the tank empty now or full? If its empty, try making a solution of about 50% warm water and 50% white vinegar. Give the tank a good scrubbing with this and then rinse the hell out of it a bunch of times. Should take care of the haze on the glass unless its scratches.


Its full. Do you think i need to take everything out to do that water and vinger wipe down . I sure hope not. I have tryed the mag- float the heavy duty change Even the flat razor.on change .There is 1/2 inch at the top of the tank that goes all the way across that is real clear.


I <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>am trying to post a picture but not having much luck.