Last night was the first episode of the Fish Tank Kings on NatGeo. I watched it right after Tanked ( I know I know I dont have a weekend night life anymore). Tanked was nothing new, same ole same ole rewinds. I guess they ran out of jobs to show.
Anyways back to FTK. What did you all thin about the show last night?
My thoughts:
The crew were definitly not actors. They were way too serious and that president for the Marlins was a dick head. It's a good think I as not working for him because I would be facing a assault and battery charge for reconstructing his face. I was shocked that they outsourced the tank builds. I tought they manufactured tanks as well.
I was also very shocked about their fish slection. They said over and over that they wanted indigenous fish native to Florida. I dont know, maybe some atlantic blue tangs, queen angel, french angel, blue angel, rock beauty angel, blue striped grunt, midnight and redband parrot fish, sargeant majors, spot fin butterfly and the list goes on but NO we want to add Pork Fish
And poor Mat. He looked scared to death throughout the whole show. He appeared to have a very weak back bone as it was obvious throughout the show. I must say that Brett and Wayde put on a better show as of now. I am not going to try to generalize one show from FTK as what they will all be like but it was not as good as tanked.
Just my 2 cents worth